Home style baked pasta by pharahos el masry

Home style baked pasta  by pharahos el masry

Served 3 person Prepare time 15 mint Cook Tim 45 mint Total 1 hour Ingredients 200 gram any kind pasta 2 TBS olive oil 1 medium onion chopped 1TBS Minch garlic 1 cup mixed bell peppers 1 cup mushrooms sliced 1 cup spinach chopped and blanched 1 medium eggplant 1/2 cup mixed olives 2 green chili chopped 1 cup tomato purée 2 cups mixed cheese grated 1 cup cream 1/2 cup breadcrumbs 150 gram butter ( cut into cubes) How to make Cook the pasta in boiling salted water about 9 mint and drain and lay on the tray In heavy bottomed pan heat up some olive pile Add onion,garlic,chili and Sauté them for 2 mint Add the bill pepper, eggplant ant sauté for 2 mints followed by the mushrooms olives and spinach Let this cook for 5 mint then pour in the tomato purée and the cream Season to taste . Take the pan off the stove and mix in the pasta Then mix half the cheese.pour the mixture into a greased baking dish Sprinkle the rest of the cheese evenly topped with the breadcrumbs add the cubes of butter over and let it bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 160-180 degrees

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